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Me, Myself and my trips

Me, Myself and my trips
Me, Myself and my trips
16 mars 2013

Dance lessons

A new country means a new type of music. And for sure, I have my share since I have been there; thanks to my dear neighbors. I have heard Lao "country", Lao pop and of course some Lao R'n'B and rap music (TV). Randomly here are some examples:
10 mars 2013

I hate dogs!!

I hate dogs!!
Hi, I am an animal lover but here dogs wander freely (yay!!) but at night in some streets, it's a problem. This night for the second time I have found myself in a very dislikable situation. I found myself surrounded by a pack of 3-4 dogs, and they were...
6 mars 2013

Saybadii you all

Saybadii you all
On the road again, yay!! For a week I have rooted myself in Laos, my first time in Southeast Asia. I will be there for 3 months in a small town called Savannakhet aka Savan. I will be teaching at university and training young french teachers. So far except...
6 août 2012

Sorry I am late

Since my last post, it has been a couple of months. Well, what can I say I am blessed thanks to Him. Last post was short and about Luxembourg this time it will be about Portugal and Togo. First Portugal, 2 weeks of the most swag vacay ever, at least since...
31 mai 2012

Luxembourg: so green so fresh

Luxembourg: so green so fresh
I have been back for a week from Luxembourg where I spent time with relatives. What can I say: it's so clean like Switzerland. I am not saying that where I live is filthy but I must recognize it's a bit dirty (at least some areas are). It's clean, people...
31 mai 2012


Je n'en ai pas créer mais je fais le relais pour un blog que j'aime beaucoup et qui en fait. ^ ^ Le lien pour le concours
2 avril 2012

1st one reveal ^^

1st one reveal ^^
Well as I said like a month ago something big was in the process of being planned. Tadaaa... this summer... I will be under the sunlight of Africa ^^ (the whole summer). It has been a couple of years since I didn't go back to my home country and it is...
5 février 2012

Out of sight but not out of mind

Out of sight but not out of mind
I have been away for too long but as I am sticking my popotin in one place since I came back from my last trip to China (did I put some pics?) I haven't much of "exotic" things to talk about. Plus I got a new blog which is more on my other interests and...
13 novembre 2011

Safety first

”THROUGH A RAPIST’S EYES” (PLS TAKE TIME TO READ THIS. it may save a life.) Reblog this! It seems that a lot of attackers use some tactics to get away with violence. Not many people know how to take care of themselves when faced with such a situation....
13 juillet 2011

A piece of thoughts

Something just strikes me today: how much I criticize or make fun of people since I am there. Indeed, there is no single day without me talking about how Chinese people seem to like to complicate what is can be so simple. I think is a way to release the...
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