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Me, Myself and my trips
Me, Myself and my trips
Me, Myself and my trips
23 juillet 2010

Teaching a whole adventure

Teaching a whole adventure
As I told you before I am a part-time French-speaking teacher and well the experience is hmmm interesting. About my teaching experience: well I have 2nd-year French university students and globally some are quite good. I have almost 100 students divides...
23 juillet 2010

End of the the intermission

I have been out neglecting my blog but exams time (mine and my students' ones), yeah it's have been more than a month but people were leaving slowly so there were goodbye parties and a small trip through southern China. Pictures soon
8 mai 2010


What to do when you are entering boredom during the weekend when I just feel doing nothing. Indeed everything is not about traveling or studying or having parties. Well, thanks to China some girly-girly stuff are very affordable so going for a manicure,...
2 mai 2010

Pieces of everything and nothing

Pieces of everything and nothing
Something sad and bad happened Tong Tong the rabbit has passed away a couple of weeks ago (hmm no he didn't jump over the balcony like the hamster I had once) and it may have been my responsibility...I let him outside as the weather was becoming warmer...
2 mai 2010

End of the intermission...

End of the intermission...
Hey, deers and bears, I have been out for a couple of weeks, but I had a crazy April month!!! Anyway I am back and I have a few things to share: trips, new pictures, etc I don't know how to start but let's start by Luoyang (洛阳). To any kung fu lovers,...
12 février 2010


My bad I was cruising through my blog and I have seen all these mistakes. Blame it on my eager to tell you all about the things that are going on here. Also because I don't proof-read myself!! I know it's bad but guess what I am not going to do it. Yes,...
12 février 2010

New hair cut

Yes after the catastrophe of the day (previous post) I decided to cut my hair. It took some time to think about it before cutting and a few days ago I just did it: I am bald ^^. Loving it By the way I am going back to France at the end of the month for...
8 janvier 2010

Yunnan part 2

Yunnan part 2
In part 1 we were in Jinghong where we spent a few days because your "obligée" was sick thanks to some bad Thai food. Well, that city is a nice provincial city with the Mekong river crossing it and the weather is just nice, sunny, warm, etc. We can see...
26 décembre 2009

Yunnan part 1

Yunnan part 1
Merry Christmas belated and happy New Year in advance as I don't know where I am gonna be... Let's summarize my nearly a week of traveling in Yunnan. Well, my 1st stop was Kunming: a nice modern town, no real old town it's a bit like shanghai old one,...
20 décembre 2009

Ice skating

Ice skating
For the 1st of my life, I went to play holidays on ice!! I have never try rollers imagine me on was funny I was lil bit hysteric, being afraid of falling down but I must admit that was fun and I am sure il will do it again! Check for the pics!!...
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